FAQ: Scope - Modifying Scope Behavior: nonlocal Statement

This community-built FAQ covers the “Modifying Scope Behavior: nonlocal Statement” exercise from the lesson “Scope”.

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FAQs on the exercise Modifying Scope Behavior: nonlocal Statement

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I get that the point of this lesson is to demonstrate how names (a.k.a. variables) are accessible and the objects that they point to can be updated in different scopes of a script. Now that that is out of the way, I can’t help but notice that the example used seems like a terrible code practice: the functions have side-effects, in fact that’s the only point of them. Are there better use cases for accessing and update nonlocal variables?

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You’re not wrong - these examples are incredibly contrived.

I’m not sure there’s a “best use case” because doing this has kind of an inherent “code smell”. You would typically structure your functions and methods to take the would-be nonlocal variables as parameters, or use OOP and build up classes to encapsulate more complicated state, etc. More generally: you should be designing your code in a way that avoids having to write directly to global / nonlocal variables like this.

Personally, in moments of laziness (or looming deadlines!), I absolutely have used the global or nonlocal keywords to quickly be able to update some higher-up state variable (usually a counter or something) from within a function without having to rewrite a whole bunch of stuff - I suspect, in fact, last minute programming is the most common use case for these keywords and if you find yourself using them extensively, you’re overdue for some refactoring :slight_smile:


Why can calc gallons have access to the nonlocal square_feet in this location. Shouldn’t we need to put it in both, calc_gallons and calc_square_feet()?

code below: ( sorry the snipit does not seem to work on my computer correctly)

walls = [(20, 9), (25, 9), (20, 9), (25, 9)]

def calc_paint_amount(wall_measurements):

square_feet = 0

def calc_square_feet():
nonlocal square_feet
for width, height in wall_measurements:
square_feet += width * height

def calc_gallons():
return square_feet / 400


return calc_gallons()

print('Number of paint gallons needed: ')

calc_gallons doesn’t require the nonlocal keyword in this case because you are not attempting to modify the variable square_feet from the inner function scope, you are only accessing it (reading the value).

calc_square_feet does require the nonlocal keyword because you are modifying/reassigning the square_feet variable from within the enclosed scope.

So to be clear - you only need the keyword when modifying the variable from the inner scope, not if just accessing it.