FAQ: Requests with Fetch API - Handling a POST Request

This community-built FAQ covers the “Handling a POST Request” exercise from the lesson “Requests with Fetch API”.

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FAQs on the exercise Handling a POST Request

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Regarding API requests in Javascript, I assume it is not usual and safe to include API key or other credentials inside Javascript code since it is client-side executing code. Instead it is preferred to make API requests in back-end. Is that correct?


I have completed the exercise for “Handling a POST Request” and I can move to the next step however my bytesize is not working.

I made sure my apiKey is there and that I include http:// or https://. I refreshed the page.

Does anybody else has that problem?


const data = JSON.stringify({ destination: urlToShorten });

Why do we have destination: urlToShorten here? How does that work exactly?

It’s one of the params. This param is required by api. We must send in the body of our request.
" destination string required
The destination URL you want your branded short link to point to. Example: https://google.com"

I had the same problem. Make sure your API Key is entered correctly at the top of your code. This value might get automatically reset during the course of the lesson. Keep an eye on it.


Can anyone explain a bit on the throw new Error statement?
How does it get its callback function?

Within the course, it has one throw new Error which uses the Error Object. So far it is crystal clear. But when it comes to the function right after it I tend to get a bit confused. Anyone has any helps on it?

I also have the exact same problem! Did you ever figure out a solution?

I was dealing with the same issue. For some reason, the API key was gone from the top of main.js. I generated a new one and that fixed the problem.

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I found that the default API key generated by Rebrandly is not working. When I generated a new API and used the new one, the project functioned properly.

This may be a stupid question, but why it this exercise a POST request? The previous exercise accessing an API was a GET request. This one seems to work the same but is using a POST request.

It kinda works, but my shortened links time out. I tried several sites. Tried using a new API key. My code matches the “solution”

What’s the problem?

I couldn’t get it to actually work despite passing all requirements and regenerating my api key… thoughts?

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I had same problem, but I tried to create a new API and it worked.

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Thanks, it worked! Then I remember they mentioned this at the instructions
Remember that if you reset the exercise at any point, you will have to paste in your API key again at the top!

Hello, I did not understand the difference between a GET and a POST. In both exercises the final function was to enter data for an API to return information. So I don’t see what the difference is, only that in post, you have to specify more things when sending the request.

I see the function renderResponse is being used in main.js, however, I’m not seeing an import statement. So my question is how are we accessing renderResponse without having the import statement?

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It should work now. I was having that same issue and noticed that I had deleted one of the quotes at the end of the API string (typo). When I fixed that, the URL shortener worked as expected.

Good code should have returned an error message though. Something like, check your API key.

Hey Guys, I have completed the exercise for “Handling a POST Request” and I can move to the next step however my bytesize is not working, because this erros:

const inputField = document.querySelector('#input');

ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ccuser/workspace/requests-with-fetch-api-handle-

Anyone have the same problem?

Furthermore, my API keys its correctly setup. I don’t understand why isn’t work :frowning:

Good question. I have the same doubt