FAQ: References and Pointers - Review

This community-built FAQ covers the “Review” exercise from the lesson “References and Pointers”.

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FAQs on the exercise Review

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So…reviving the topic, would it be advised to take the C## course as well for a full understanding or nah?

I think this lesson references and pointers helped me understand & and *. However, I was hoping this lesson could help understand the this operator and the arrow operator.

I completely forgot about the letter so it really surprised me and I got quite emotional for the time and effort to finish it. That last experience was like give myself a pat on the shoulders. That was a wonderful course (review, in my case). Thank you!


noice also I need 20 chars so umm cool pog coding is cool lgalksdadsojns

Well, to anyone else completing this course in the future, you did it, if you’re like me and struggled through the almost the whole thing, it’s okay. Even if you cant really create a complex program after finishing the course, thats okay. It’s the beginner’s course.

This is the first coding language i decided to learn, since Id like to one day get into game dev, maybe. Against the many recommendations of others to start with a different language, im just happy to have actually done each project. It certainly wasnt solved entirely alone by me, but most coding isn’t done alone anyways.

Cheers to completing a course, and the future of your development.