FAQ: Redacted! - The .split Method

This community-built FAQ covers the “The .split Method” exercise from the lesson “Redacted!”.

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I’m struggling with this one!

puts “The World Is Yours!”
puts “i will make you a offer that you can refuse!”
text = gets.chomp
redact = gets.chomp
words = text.split (" ")

ERROR! It looks like you didn’t use the .split method to make words an array.

Can some one help me? Many thanks in advance!

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maybe you should change the order?

puts “The World Is Yours!”
text = gets.chomp
puts “i will make you a offer that you can refuse!”
redact = gets.chomp
words = text.split (" ")

Hi there! So here’s the thing, the way this programme is made, if we want to redact a word close to a comma or dot, or anything else other than a blank space, it won’t work. For instance, if I write “Hello!” and I want to redact “Hello”, things will remain the same. So my question is, can I apply the split method at different criteria simultaneously, this is, to split every time it sees a blank space, a dot, a comma and an exclamation mark? Thanks!

Welcome, @design4743405018,

This is an interesting question that has come up before, within a slightly related topic…

Attempting to redact multiple words

Read through the topic and the discussion centered around using a Regex to spot word boundaries (around post 55 and beyond).

I am having trouble with running the code in this exercise. I can input text at the first prompt, but then the console terminates with the error “execution expired”.

I am able to reproduce this error when I run the solution code, as well.

I’ve oft repeated this suggestion: Forget about the input, and supply values for those variables. Then you can at least run the code and see what it does.

Chances are very good that your code runs as expected in a REPL.it sandbox. This environment is wonky when it comes to user input. Some users have workaround suggestions or browser change, etc. You can still pass if you hard code the values.

I can’t run anything at all on this step of the exercise, not even the first line, without getting the execution expiration error.

I advanced forward by viewing the solution code. The same error occurs again on the next page, but I was finally able to run the code after a few browser refreshes.

This poster from April has identified the same problems I’m experiencing.

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What if we Reset and enter just this code?

text = "Always butter the burnt side of the toast"
words = text.split()
z = text.dup
redact = "burnt side"
redact.split(' ').each {|x| z.gsub! /\b#{x}\b/i, "REDACTED"}
puts z

This exercice still doesn’t work, I have to hardcode the strings.
The chomps have a problem.