FAQ: Recursion vs. Iteration - Coding Throwdown - When Fibs Are Good

This community-built FAQ covers the “When Fibs Are Good” exercise from the lesson “Recursion vs. Iteration - Coding Throwdown”.

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It should be noted that the function outline it gives will actually retrieve the value at the index provided and not actually the Nth term in the sequence.

def fibonacci(n):

fibs = [0,1]
if n <= (len(fibs)-1):
return fibs[n]
while n > (len(fibs)-1):
to_add = fibs[-1] + fibs[-2]
return fibs[n]


I guess the fibonacci explanation given here should be updated. The first element is 0 and so on… the test cases given should be -

print(fibonacci(4) == 2)
print(fibonacci(8) == 13)
print(fibonacci(0) == 0)

Below is a solution is could come up with. It has explicit assignment for 0th, 1st and 2nd positions…

def fibonacci(n):
if n < 0:
ValueError(“Input 1 or greater only!”)
if n <= 1:
return 0
if n == 2:
return 1
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)


Fibonacci numbers are a sequence, and in order to form a sequence we need a general term that defines each number in the sequence. Since the sequence is based upon addition, it follows we will have two sequential operands, the first being zero. This gives us a starting list, [0, 1]. If d is the difference between terms, this is the only time there is unity in a Fibonacci sequence. After that the ratio of any two latter terms begins to approach the Golden Ratio.

The fact that there is one instance where d is Unity is my argument for beginning the sequence with zero. Start with 1 and the next term as 1 then where is there any suggested sequence?

Yes, there are sequences, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, … but the suggestive component is missing. The zero. Zero plus one is one.


I agree 100%, then as per your suggested sequence (which is what I also consider as fibonacci) 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5… the 4th element should be 2 not the 3rd (as given in the actual test case). Am I missing anything here?


We’re both in disagreement of the SCT, so I’d say, no, you’re not missing anything. Glean from this and move forward. Compromises are well and good part of the process.


Off-course!! Thanks for your input… Really Appreciate it!! I am glad I found someone to clarify my doubts…


I found this “Coding Throwdown” challenge lots of fun, but I’m curious about the run-times of the solutions we found. Am I missing something, or did we not get quizzed on those?

For example, here’s my solution (spoiler alert) to the Fibonacci challenge. I believe the run-time is O(N). Is that correct? Also, can you recommend a general strategy for testing function run-time?

 def fibonacci(n):
    base = {0: 0, 1: 1}
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        base[i] = base[i-2] + base[i-1]
    return base[n]
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>>> def fib(n):
	a, b = 0, 1
	while n > 0:
		a, b = b, b + a
		n -= 1
	return a

>>> fib(20)

Now compare. Both give the same result. Which uses less resources?


You are correct that the run time of each method (yours and mtf’s) is O(N). But that covers a lot of territory (i.e., 10 * O(N) is still O(N).). Also, besides run time, you need to consider memory. Your method involves creating a dictionary that contains every fib less than fib(n), whereas his keeps only two numbers in memory at a given time.

That said, why not actually measure the run times?. The module timeit is a great resource, very nicely explained here.

Using it to compare the two functions, we get:

        Comparison of time (in seconds) taken
        for each of two methods of computing fib(n),
        1000 runs at each n.
         n          dict time        tuple time
        50          0.0164           0.0076
       100          0.0360           0.0175
       200          0.0726           0.0360
       400          0.1604           0.0884
       800          0.4011           0.2358
      1600          1.0445           0.6996
      3200          3.2599           2.2922
      6400         11.0521           8.2141

(Source code here.)
You can see that for N < 1000 or so, doubling N does seem to more or less double the time. Also, the time for the “tuple” approach is consistently about one-half of the “dict” approach. These ratios begin to fall apart for higher N (fib(6400) has 1338 digits), presumably due to “real life” hardware considerations.


Your function uses fewer resources for the reasons Patrick mentions. I’d like to be writing more memory- and time- efficient functions, so I appreciate your sharing.


Thanks for the explanation and demonstration.

Very helpful.

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I was checking the solution code:

def fib(n):
  if n < 0:
    ValueError("Input 0 or greater only!")

  fibs = [0, 1]
  if n <= len(fibs) - 1:
    return fibs[n]

  while n > len(fibs) - 1:
    fibs.append(fibs[-1] + fibs[-2])
  return fibs[-1]

and I got myself wondering why would we need to declare the second if:

  if n <= len(fibs) - 1:
    return fibs[n]

instead of just using the last return outside the while loop to do a “return fib[n]”
since if the n is not greater than the len(fibs) it would just jump the loop like:

def fib2(n):
  if n < 0:
    ValueError("Input 0 or greater only!")
  fibs = [0, 1]
  while n > len(fibs) -1:
    fibs.append(fibs[-1] + fibs[-2])
  return fibs[n]

am I missing something or would my code actually make it cleaner?

Hi guys,

  1. I understand O(N^2). But I don’t understand O(2^N) and Log(N) .
  2. In the example, I dont’ see where is the ValueErrorr is defined. Is it a general variable ?
    if n < 0:
    ValueError(“Input 0 or greater only!”)


runtime: Exponential - O(2^N)

def fibonacci(n):
if n < 0:
ValueError(“Input 0 or greater only!”)
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)







Built-in Exceptions — Python 3.12.0 documentation

It is a class of the built-in BaseExceptions in Python.

Hi guys,
can somebody please explain why this function has O(2^N) complexity?

def fibonacci(n):
  if n < 0:
    ValueError("Input 0 or greater only!")
  if n <= 1:
    return n
  return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

For me, it look like O(N) or O (N + M)

It has to do with the two function calls. This will grow exponentially as N increases.

So we need to call one function n -1 times plus second function n - 2 times which gives us (n-1) + (n-2), isn’t it?

Big-O is all about worst case and constants have no meaning in the analysis. It’s a ball park value. Based on that aim, we can simply say that each call happens twice for every value up to N which is where the 2^N comes from.

Thank you for the brilliant piece of code. Nothing extra. Would dream of a similar level of coding qualiti.

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