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Hello, I have a question on this exercise. My solution was accepted, but I didn’t do what the hint describes (which I checked afterwards to compare notes).
The objective is to write a factorial function that does not use recursion. Hint says:
# initialize a result variable set to 1
# loop while the input does not equal 0
# reassign result to be result * input
# decrement input by 1
# return result
What I did instead:
product = n
for number in range(1, n):
product = product * number
return product
Any reason not to do it like this, or is this not what was meant by iteration?
def factorial(n):
if n < 0:
ValueError("Inputs 0 or greater only")
total = 1
for num in range(1, n + 1):
total *= num
return total
# test cases
print(factorial(3) == 6)
print(factorial(0) == 1)
print(factorial(5) == 120)