FAQs on the exercise Call Stacks and Execution Frames
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When a recursive function enters the base case without any recursive calls, will the call stack be empty? Why or why not?
I just want to get it right. So, the answer to this question is NO, because we entered teh base case but the recursive call didn’t happen (for some reason?), meaning we didn’t perform an action with the base case…?
I have the same doubt too. I guess the call stack would never be called because our recursive function would already have returned a value from the base case. So, there’s no purpose for the computer to keep track of the argument and the function invocations.
When a recursive function enters the base case without any recursive calls, will the call stack be empty?
Why or why not?
An interpreter would surely add every function call to the call stack? If there is no recursive element, then the call stack has a size of 1 so is effectively a call node, but it’s still there keeping track of where we are in the flow of the program.