FAQ: Recreate graphs using Matplotlib! - Labeled Pie Chart

This community-built FAQ covers the “Labeled Pie Chart” exercise from the lesson “Recreate graphs using Matplotlib!”.

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Data Science

Data Visualization in Python

FAQs on the exercise Labeled Pie Chart

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For this one I kept getting an error when I defined the labels in a plt.legend() method instead of the plt.pie() one. Strangely, it kept complaining about my autopct definition, which I left untouched.

Is this an error with the validation of the response or is it actually wrong to define the labels with plt.legend() after we added the pie charts?

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I tried it, and it appears differently (as follows) than the expected result.
Though this is not the expected result for this exercise, I think that this way is also appropriate depending on a purpose, so I don’t think it is wrong.

Perhaps the reason for the message about autopct is that the Codecademy system has determined that another task (“put a percentage label on each slice”) has not yet been done.

Stuck on #4 and I don;t know what im doing wrong

import codecademylib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

unit_topics = ['Limits', 'Derivatives', 'Integrals', 'Diff Eq', 'Applications']
num_hardest_reported = [1, 3, 10, 15, 1]

#Make your plot here
plt.pie(num_hardest_reported, autopct='%1d%%')

The expected solution is one that specifies the labels parameter in plt.pie (rather than using plt.legend).

plt.pie(num_hardest_reported, labels=unit_topics, autopct='%d%%')

i see, thanks for the clarification