FAQ: React Forms - Set the Input's Initial State

This community-built FAQ covers the “Set the Input’s Initial State” exercise from the lesson “React Forms”.

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This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Web Development

Learn ReactJS: Part II

FAQs on the exercise Set the Input’s Initial State

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I believe this is an error - The solution is already given to you

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I’m so upset right now. The material difficulty has scaled backwards so steeply it’s like falling off a cliff. It has also gone back to regular react after going through a crash through hooks, useState, useEffect, etc which makes everything just feel like whiplash. To top it all off there are errors in the answers and some broken lessons like this one where the previous lesson segment required more than what the directions implied only to have it ask you to do those steps in this one. I feel like I’m being jerked around really hard, especially since the last section made me feel like I was barely cutting it in understanding the material. Now I’m having my hand held like I’ve barely just gotten started. This part of the course needs some SERIOUS work.


I see what you mean. I had the exact same experience and mixed feelings.
I pulled through the hooks part with pure will - I wanted to see how stupid am I really. At some point I was like: “Let’s face it - I’m never going to be a developer… But I sure hope this experience will help me find another path to walk…”

It is such a relief to hear that I’m not the only one who struggled. Thank you for posting!


Keep going I believe in you :cowboy_hat_face:

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It’s so good to know that others feel this way. I’m having a good day again after struggling a bit…

Great to hear I managed to brighten someone’s day by just sharing my experience.

Keep going! I’m a React developer now and I’m sure after a while you will be one too.