FAQ: PHP Strings and Variables - String Concatenation

This community-built FAQ covers the “String Concatenation” exercise from the lesson “PHP Strings and Variables”.

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FAQs on the exercise String Concatenation

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Hi everyone!
I’m sort of got stuck. Either this or there is some error, as the topic is quite easy.
Task 3 about concatenating four strings "\n" , "tur" , "duck" , and "en"
I put the semicolon at the end. Used another \ before \n so that the system would perceive it as a string and of course added three points between them. The result ‘Did you print the four strings concatenated?’ Yep, definitely. I used different options: with additional spaces like this ’ ', with spaces before and after strings, without spaces, with commas between strings. So I would highly appreciate it if anyone could give me a hint about what I’m doing wrong?

Hi there, welcome to the forum.

Could we maybe see some code?
A link to the exercise would be helpful as well :wink:

Sure, no problem! Could have guessed) I’m just not a very ‘forum’ person )
echo "\n " . "tur " . "duck " . “en”;

Alright, I see

With what you’re doing, we’re printing this:

tur duck en

What we really want, though, is


Why could that be?

Edit: my bad, you did try that, didn’t you…

One thing I notice, while pasting your code, is this:


If you’re also getting this, then it’s due to the quotes around en.

If you’re not getting that, then I’m not entirely sure.

Thank you.) That hepled ) I just misunderstood the task.
I thought, that I should have made \n to be perceived as a text and be printed together with other strings, hence I added another backslash. I got the result I wanted, but it wasn’t right )

The quotes around en were fine in the code. I guess it changed automatically, when I pasted it here.
But in the next codings I’ll be careful with quotes as well.
Thanks ))

Yeah then it’s probably just due to the forum formatting them that way.

Alright, glad you could solve this. Keep going!

I will! Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

I am an aspirant for learning PHP language
I got a doubt
“why do we need to type “echo” every time we want a string of words or something like that??”

Hey there,

echo is a language construct, and was simply the chosen keyword for outputting things.

Other languages have print, printf, println, Console.WriteLine, DISPLAY, console.log, puts, fmt.Println, System.out.println, Write, say … among others.

ohk I got it but why isn’t it possible to write echo just one time then writing it everytime

<?php echo "i like codeacademy" "i like PHP" "i like echo"

Well, simply because PHP will not allow you to do that.

However, there are ways to do what you want to do using only one echo :slight_smile:

On one line, or multiple lines.

<?php echo "I like Codecademy" . " I like PHP " . "I like echo"; ?> <?php echo "I like Codecademy\n" . "I like PHP\n" . "I like echo"; ?> <?php echo " I like Codecademy I like PHP I like echo "; ?>

well !!!ohk
it means we have to connect them with dots

Hi folks,

maybe it is a stupid Question, but ist “turducken” a madeup Word, or has it some meaning=?

What was the answer?

  1. Use echo to print a final portmanteau by concatenating these four strings "\n" , "tur" , "duck" , and "en" . Make sure to include a semicolon after the statement.

Link: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-php/lessons/php-strings-and-variables/exercises/string-concatenation

What have you tried entering as a solution?

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I got it to work, thank you!

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