FAQ: Navigation - mkdir

The answer to her question is :slight_smile:

$ cd 2014/dec/
$ pwd
$ ls
monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ mkdir media/
$ pwd
$ ls
media monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ cd media
$ pwd
$ ls
$ mkdir tv/
$ pwd
$ ls


$ cd 2014/dec/
$ pwd
$ ls
monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ mkdir media/
$ pwd
$ ls
media monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ cd media
$ pwd
$ ls
$ mkdir tv/
$ pwd
$ ls

After I type ls in command line is the error. ls four things inside dec. it show just show two and allow me to add

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can you screen shot if for me?

i went ahead and did the second task without checking my work on first and now it wont let me advance. do you guys know how to delete directory, im thinking deleting media, checking my work and remaking it will help. thanks.
EDIT figured it out, just do rmdir media to fix the issue :slight_smile:

what i recommend you to do is restart you work you do that by reseting it

I provide on in thread

ok ill help you i just need to know where yours tuck

$ cd 2014/dec/
$ pwd
$ ls
monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ mkdir media/
$ pwd
$ ls
media monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ cd media
$ pwd
$ ls
$ mkdir tv/
$ pwd
$ ls

I given up on this task. thanks for respond

hackers don’t give up we break in and comprise!!

$ ls
2014 2015 directory hardware.txt home
$ cd 2014
$ cd dec
$ pwd
$ cd dec
bash: cd: dec: No such file or directory
$ cd 2014
bash: cd: 2014: No such file or directory
$ cd …
$ pwd
$ ls
$ pwd
$ cd dec
$ cd directory
$ ls
directory media
$ pwd
$ ls
directory media
$ is
bash: is: command not found
$ ls
directory media
$ pwd

what have I done wrong?

$ ls
2014 2015 directory hardware.txt home
$ cd 2014
$ pwd
$ cd dec
$ ls
directory monitor.txt mouse.txt

cannot go any further :frowning:

$ cd 2014/dec/
$ pwd
$ ls
monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ mkdir media/
$ pwd
$ ls
media monitor.txt mouse.txt
$ cd media
$ pwd
$ ls
$ mkdir tv/
$ pwd
$ ls

not working

hi im Mr BadDucky where are you stuck> ? ill help you get pass

It never resets, what you need to do is go to unstuck to reset it

Its in the “GET UNSTUCK” then click on “reset exercise” and it should reset all you boxes

I am having an issues with the mkdir section. no matter which way i get to dec it will not accept my answer.

nevermind, i was finally able to reset it and it worked.

can some1 help me out please