FAQ: Navigation - ls

This community-built FAQ covers the “ls” exercise from the lesson “Navigation”.

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Computer Science
Web Development
Build a Website with HTML, CSS, and Github Pages
Create a Front-End App with React

Learn the Command Line

FAQs on the exercise ls

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I don’t understand

The directories blog , test , and the file index.js are the contents of the current directory.

We are in the “blog” folder. but I don’t see the other two strings (test and index.js) anywhere. what’s up with that? What am I missing?

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Hi, I am a beginner as well, but I assume that there was an update to this lesson (since I had the same issue) and it was unfortunately forgotten that the old directories and files (that might have been used previously in the lesson), namely blog , test , and the file index.js needed to also be replaced to 2014, 2015 and hardware.txt.


I don’t understand what is wrong here. And it doesnt let me to move on without it.

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Hey there, @core1360197931. Welcome to the forums!

I believe you’re typing Is, as in “Isadora”.

It should be ls, as in “list”.

I understand it can be confusing due to how it appears on the screen.

So try LS (in lowercase), see if that works for you.


Yessss, thank you :slight_smile:

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Instead is Is, it is suppose to be LS (in lowercase form) to represent “lists”.

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I get:

$ ls
2014  2015  hardware.txt


$ ls
blog  index.js  test

Have I done something wrong?

These are the contents of the blog directory.

The directories blog , test , and the file index.js are the contents of the current directory.

No, it looks like what you’ve done is correct. The instructions state that those three files/directories should are contained in the current directory. blog and test are directories, while index.js is a JavaScript file.

You can reference the filesystem for this lesson here.

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Yes this resolves it, thank you great explanation.

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thanks i was typing number 1 and then S as a letter

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This lesson says that dollar sign is the shell prompt - my computers terminal has a “%” instead of a dollar sign - im assuming its the same thing, but I haven’t been able to find much online to confirm my assumption - would anyone be able to shed some light on this issue

How is this possible? That Blog, Test and index.js are contained in the current directory and not listed?

Maybe the course was updated and that section wasn’t, don’t you think?

I no longer have PRO so I can’t try it out for myself, but using the ls command from the directory you’re initially in should show you that blog, test, and index.js are in the current directory according to the instructions. If they aren’t, then it’s probably a bug. Seeing 2014, 2015, and hardware.txt means you’re in the blog directory. According to the instructions, users should be starting in blog's parent directory. Not sure if they really do though.

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I get your point. However, the test solely leverages the blog directory … doesn’t it? And Going beyond or out of that directory would be out of scope of the test.

While it is true that this lesson focuses mainly on the contents of the blog directory, the concept being taught in this specific exercise is that ls displays the contents of the current directory. This is applicable no matter which directory you’re in. I read through the other replies in this topic, and it looks like several users have this problem. I’ll submit a bug report.

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Hi I have the same issue, but I’m sure that I type “is” as in list, and is still isn’t working (( I work on Windows

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I have the same issue with the navigaton Is exercise. I tried; Is, 1s, LS but nothing is working and is giving me this error ‘Bash: Is: command not found’.
Is this a bug?

I can’t get past the first thing i keep trtying to do next ot the terminal $ “one” but its dosen’t work
In the terminal, after the $ , type: