FAQ: Natural Language Parsing with Regular Expressions - Chunking Verb Phrases

This community-built FAQ covers the “Chunking Verb Phrases” exercise from the lesson “Natural Language Parsing with Regular Expressions”.

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Natural Language Processing

FAQs on the exercise Chunking Verb Phrases

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can there be a cheatsheet for this course for regex stuff similar to this:
including the part of speech tags would also be helpful. i need somewhere to reference all these new codes. thanks

What is the difference between the quantifiers being outside of the <> word brackets? How do they affect the words when they are outside like this?:

“VP: {<VB.>


@bazeroni were you able to find the answer? I couldn’t find any answer to it

Codecademy says this: "You can match any verb with the notation <VB.*> and any adverb with <RB.?> " They also use this in the example earlier in the same lesson. Why do we need the distinction between * and ?.

I understand that * will match 0 or more of any character while ? will match 0 or 1 of any character, but according to the Penn Treebank document that Codecademy listed earlier in the lesson (Penn Treebank P.O.S. Tags) there would only ever be 1 additional character following VB or RB.

What I’m trying to say is that we could more concisely use <VB.?> and <RB.?> no?

Is RegexpParser to be used only for english… How can it be applied for Spanish texts? Should notations like NN, JJ work for all languages?