FAQ: Multiple Linear Regression - Review

This community-built FAQ covers the “Review” exercise from the lesson “Multiple Linear Regression”.

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Machine Learning

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Anyone else not getting any cheatsheets from the Machine Learning Lessons?


Couple questions:

  1. After playing with removing coefficients I was unable to improve my R^2 score. anyone have any improvement?
  2. The applet is not performing as expected - When I change answers some of items with positive correlation decrease the rent. For example: Changing Has patio and dishwasher to 0 increases rent?
    test file

Let me get this straight:
It doesn’t automatically follow that using the features which have the highest correlations with your target variable will give the best regression model (the R2)?

Why does removing features sometimes improve the accuracy of the model?
Why are we asked to try removing features, or different combinations of features, and not given some kind of methodology, like remove and add features in order of their correlations(Pearson scores) or the value in coef_?

The coef_ method shows the contribution of each feature, why doesnt it just end up the same as the correlation?

guys please check out my repo on the Housing PricePredictor on GitHub:
Housing Price Predictor - Multiple Linear Regression

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The applet didn’t work at my computer. Anyone had the same problem?

Same here, it’s not working in my browser…