FAQs on the exercise Multiple Linear Regression: Scikit-Learn
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In the exercise, sonny apartment predicted rent is 2071, I have calculated the predicted rent as 2451.48. What could be the reason for this difference ?
I got the same answer and I confirmed through the hints that my code matches up. My best guess is that this is another example of a continuity error in the course… maybe the data we are using was updated since they first wrote the exercise… definitely confusing when this happens though.
I’m under the impression that the url used for this exercise is wrong.
We are training a model to later test on an apartment in brooklyn, however the url used is for manhattan… this is giving out a wrong prediction, but the hint says that prediction is the correct one.
In my case, the hint says that the final prediction should be $2393.58… but this is only true when using the url for manhattan.
If I use for Brooklyn, the prediction is $2059.95
I am not sure to understand clearly:
When we use x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(x, y, train_size, test_size) in https://www.codecademy.com/courses/machine-learning/lessons/multiple-linear-regression-streeteasy/exercises/scikit-learn
the “training split” was used to build the model
the “test_split” was used to test the model
Where is the “validation process”? in this exercise? is the test_split was used for the validating process? if yes what is the test split?