FAQ: Mongoose Fundamentals - Methods

This community-built FAQ covers the “Methods” exercise from the lesson “Mongoose Fundamentals”.

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I’m wondering about our statics example code:

poemSchema.statics.firstAlphabetically = function(callback) {
  return this.findOne({}).sort('title').exec(callback);

I would expect this.findOne({}) to return a single instance of a model object. But we wouldn’t be able to then call sort if that were the case. What does this.findOne({}) return? I tried logging its return value to the console and got a wall of text.


I have the same question. Mongoose documentation doesn’t really help… If it were .find() instead of .findOne({}), it would make sense, though.

What I learned from the Mongoose documentation is that the .find() (without any argument) will return a Query object (which I assume is a set of documents). (See the documentation on Query().)

And the Query object has a method .sort() that sorts the documents in the Query object.

But why .findOne({}) to get the first document in the sorted order? I have no idea…

I can pass the second checkpoint for this exercise, but when I enter node exercise.js in the terminal, I get this error:

$ node exercise.js
connecting to database...

dropping old data...

running function...

Found one: cloak
Found 3 magic objects
(node:83) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: MagicItem.findMostExpensive is not a function
(node:83) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

This is my code which the exercise marks as correct:

const {mongoose, runWithDatabase} = require('./database');
const manyItems = require('./items');

const magicItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  item: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  magicalProperty: {
    type: String ,
    required: true
  unitCost: {
    type: Number,
    required: true
  totalUnits: {
    type: Number,
    required: true


const MagicItem = mongoose.model('MagicItem', magicItemSchema);

magicItemSchema.statics.findMostExpensive = 
  function(callback) {
  return this.findOne({}).sort('unitCost').exec(callback);

magicItemSchema.methods.use = function(callback) {
  this.totalUnits -= this.unitCost;
return this.save();

runWithDatabase(async () => {
	await  MagicItem.create(manyItems);

	let finder = await MagicItem.findOne({ item: 'cloak' });
    console.log(`Found one: ${finder.item}`);
    let cheapObjects = await MagicItem.find({ unitCost: { $lt: 50 }})
    console.log(`Found ${MagicItem.length} magic objects`);

    const mostExpensive = await MagicItem.findMostExpensive();
console.log(`The most expensive object is the ${mostExpensive.item}`);
console.log(`The ${mostExpensive.item} started with ${mostExpensive.totalUnits} charges.`);
console.log(`Using ${mostExpensive.item}...`);    
await mostExpensive.use();
console.log(`The ${mostExpensive.item} has ${mostExpensive.totalUnits} charges left.`);


The method is supposed to return only the first alphabetical by title. If you used find, it would return all titles in alphabetical order. You only wanted the 1st one.

I think it simply has to do with your indentation, your error code specifies:

TypeError: MagicItem.findMostExpensive is not a function

So I went to look there, and it seems your code is as good as mine, except that it may be badly indented. It should look like this:

magicItemSchema.statics.findMostExpensive = function(callback) {
  return this.findOne({}).sort('unitCost').exec(callback);

I believe it sorts the model objects and only after does it return the “one” top most instance, after the sorting process has finished executing.

As mentioned in the exercise:

The method is part of the model, which in this example would return the first document, AFTER sorting the values of the title path alphabetically.