FAQ: Model Testing Patterns - Hooks

This community-built FAQ covers the “Hooks” exercise from the lesson “Model Testing Patterns”.

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It says:

  • make your tests expressive by writing them in four phases
  • make your tests isolated with setup and teardown phases
  • follow the red, green, refactor cycle

What were the 4 phases again? It is the
2. exercise
3. verification
4. teardown?

IF so then isn’t the second bullet repetative since it’s part of the 1st bullet point? It makes me think that maybe there might be a different 4 phases being referenced in the first bullet?

I verified and you got it right, the four phases are indeed:

  1. Setup
  2. Exercise
  3. Verification
  4. Teardown

Teardown is not being implemented in each of the projects we are doing here, and this particular exercise focuses in step 5 on await mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase();.

I am suspecting they just wanted to put emphasis on that “isolation of tests” with a second bullet and the connectAndDrop function. To me it made sense as being setup (.connect) and teardown (.connection.db.dropDatabase()), but I might just be finding a way to rationalize it :sweat_smile: