FAQs on the exercise Open-Source Middleware: Logging
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I am not sure about the ‘tiny’ format in morgan…
in the morgan document,
The minimal output.
:method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms
And after passing the exercise, I wonder if the ‘tiny’ format will only send response like ‘Response Sent’ which is only replaced throughout the exercise.
I agree the tiny format might not be useful in many cases, but there are quite a few others with much more information in the log about the request object. I am sure you’ve seen them above tiny. I think perhaps ‘tiny’ is purely used in this example to not overwhelm the express course learner with extra object info like…
:remote-addr - :remote-user [:date[clf]] and HTTP/:http-version" “:referrer” “:user-agent”
Can you think of any example of when you would use ‘tiny’? I’m not sure.
So I’m a little confused. Does Morgan(‘tiny’) just log the appropriate req/res status or does it log each token included in ‘tiny’ every time a request is made?
I ran the code a couple of times. The first was a GET request for ‘cherry’ which is not an appropriate path. The second was a GET request for ‘/beans/cherry’ which elicits the appropriate response. This is what I got in the console.
$ node app.js
Server is listening on port 4001
GET /cherry 404 145 - 1.487 ms
GET /beans/cherry 200 12 - 2.107 ms
It appears each request is logged in the same format.
I hope that answers your question.
I passed te task, but somehow morgan does not log anything when I send requests… And this is not the first time, that somehow happened several times through the path… Maybe a bug?