FAQ: Mean - Introduction

This community-built FAQ covers the “Introduction” exercise from the lesson “Average”.

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Are there any prerequisites before taking this course ?

What course? (There’s usually a course linked in the FAQ.) Data Science?

Oh sorry, I thought this was a forum for the course. Fundamental Math for Data Science is the name of the course.

Ah, ok. Sometimes there are links in the courses to the forums’ FAQ posts, but these FAQs aren’t really maintained or updated with a link back to the current course content. These FAQs are automatically scheduled and pushed to the forums.

This one is labeled “Python FAQ”, so that’s kinda generic.

For this, I’d assume that one should have a basic understanding of linear algebra, or whatever is mentioned in the course catalog: " Probability , Descriptive Statistics , Linear Regression , Matrix Algebra , Calculus , Hypothesis Testing , and more."
And, well, Python too.

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Ah ok. Thank you very much :wink:

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hope you fine!
in this lesson i have some confusion; so, i didn’t face for the same formula that they are in here during the school and university but, in here sth like numpy. pyplot and pandas are unknow for me so, please give details about them. as well as in mean, median and mode i pass one quiz but, i cannot go ahead and it worming me that you must complete the task and then can go ahead but i don’t know that what is wrong with me.
on the first math class we must just pass one
quiz and go ahead or the other thing is also on there?

Please provide some context here. What is the link to the lesson?

Also, remember, you can always research these concepts outside of codecademy. If you don’t understand something in the lesson, then search elsewhere until you grasp the concepts.

This is the link of our study and I need for your guidance to understand my lesson so will so this major and online class is something new for me and I want to have a scheduled for my lessons so it got confusing me a little bit.

Hello, in Mean introduction we have a code in Python should we write any code on that to calculate the mean? Because when I click on run nothing appear.
[https://www.codecademy.com/paths/fundamental-math-for-data-science/tracks/math-ds-descriptive-statistics/modules/math-ds-central-tendency/lessons/average/exercises/introduction](https://Page link)

The link you provided is to the Intro portion. It just asks you where you think the middle is in the histogram.

In the second part, calculating the mean, there should already be some code there and again, just click “run”:

#Set total equal to the sum
total = 29 + 49 + 42 + 43

#Set mean_value equal to the mean
mean_value = total / 4.0

# The following code prints the total and mean
print("The sum total is equal to: " + str(total))
print("The mean value is equal to: " + str(mean_value))

to see this:

The sum total is equal to: 163
The mean value is equal to: 40.75

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