FAQ: Manipulation - Introduction to SQL

This community-built FAQ covers the “Introduction to SQL” exercise from the lesson “Manipulation”.

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Web Development
Data Science

Learn SQL

FAQs on the exercise Introduction to SQL

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Hey everyone. I’m new to SQL, just recently finished the Learn SQL course. I’m curious though, where does the data all come from…if I have spreadsheets at work that i’d like to query using SQL how can I turn the data from the documents into usable databases?


The data tables are prebuilt for the course and reside on the CC SQL server. We have no access othe than through the lessons.

It might be possible to create a table and define all the columns, then manually enter the data from your spreadsheet. Outside of that, you will need your own installation of SQL so you can build your database on your own machine.

convert excel to sql

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Hello, I’m new to SQL. I think the list of commands provided (https://www.codecademy.com/articles/sql-commands) was a very helpful page. I attempted to put the commands into a chart based on “type” and wanted to know if it looks correct?



I notice in SQL the use of uppercase letters.

Are these equivalent?

SELECT * FROM celebs;


select * from celebs;


Yes, they both are equivalent.
As SQL is case insensitive, but in some cases and systems (like in Linux by default) the column names and table names are case sensitive.

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I was wondering about this question. When I type the various ideas of what it is requested, then it shows an error message.