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In this exersise counter is beeing set to 1. I have to fill in a loop that stops at 11. Thats al ok. But the thing i dont understand ist that we "puts"counter on line 4. And after line 4 we set counter to counter= counter+1.
How is it possible that this get printed in the console while at the time the puts command was not given?
I tried to run your code by following the instructions of the exercise:
On line 2, fill in the __ blank so that the loop breaks when counter is greater than 10.
So, the following code:
counter = 1
until counter > 10
puts counter += 1
is displayed by the console like so:
Data number 11 is also included , despite the fact we want to exclude it.
Therefore, in this case, I think that when using counter = counter += 1 we should also change the comparison operator to >= or ==, like so:
counter = 1
until counter >= 10
puts counter += 1
I’m confused why this stops at 10 even though its written to evaluate that the counter is to stop unless its greater than ten. It prints out 2-10 (since it started at one) but why doesn’t it stop at 11. Any thoughts on this? Just want to make sure I fully understand the basics.