FAQ: Loops - For Loops

This community-built FAQ covers the “For Loops” exercise from the lesson “Loops”.

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When I chose at the exercise, Loop for 20 times (meaning 20x3=60 tiles), I actually expected that the code would not run and an error message would appear since there are only 30 places for Tiles available . Nevertheless, the code ran normally, 30 tiles were put to the right order and that was all. My command referred to 60 tiles, what happened to the rest that have to be placed? The same question obviously applies when choosing Loop for 15 times. I am wondering, why does the code run normally in the above 2 cases?


I noticed that when I ran the first code without using loops the tiles flew in one by one very quickly with a consistent speed. When I ran the second code that used a loop there was a pause after each of the three tiles were placed. I’m wondering if this was a deliberate animation choice or if it was a result of looping.

In other words while it is much faster to code using the loop does it take more processing and/or result in a slower execution than writing it out many times?

The for loop tutorial (2/6) it says " When a computer receives this program it sets a counter to 0 and executes the instructions in the body of the loop. After each iteration (one pass through the instructions), it advances the counter by 1. The process repeats until the counter is 10, meaning 10 iterations are completed."

Given that the counter starts at 0, shouldn’t the process only repeat until the counter is 9? If a counter repeats from 0 to 10, isn’t that 11 iterations?


No, the little pause is just animation

Replying to tylerlahaie118650831

So the counter starts with zero.
Once the first set of three tiles are placed. The counter then moved to one.
Then after second set of three tiles are placed the counter then moved to two.

Similarly after the 10th set of three tiles (30 tiles done and the maze is filled) the counter moved to 10 and the for loop is stopped.


I’m running into an issue with this exercise. I’m typing in:
For 10 times:

When I run that I get an error message that says: Whoops! That’s an empty or incorrect loop. Please add placeTile() commands to the loop

I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. It says add placeTile() commands to the loop but I already have those added so I don’t understand what the error is.

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