FAQ: Loops - For Each Loop

This community-built FAQ covers the “For Each Loop” exercise from the lesson “Loops”.

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Can someone explain foreach and it’s usage, preferably with some code examples?

That’s the kind of information you can find in documentation. Already exists, google will show you where.

Can somebody help me understand the use of the variable ‘item’ here? I get that ‘item’ is meant to represent each value in the array todo, only because I saw the result of running the code, but I don’t get how the program knows that. My guess is that the line foreach (string item in todo) is telling the program “We are storing each value in the previously-established string array ‘todo’ into a string variable called ‘item’ one at a time until we’ve run the loop on each value.” Is that correct? And if that is the case, why are we able to separately create 2 string variables called ‘item’ without getting an error in this case? It’s created in the foreach loop and then created again in the CreateTodoItem method. In past lessons, I have gotten errors for that sort of thing because the program thought that I was trying to create duplicate variables.

using System;

namespace ForEachLoop
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      string[] todo = { "respond to email", "make wireframe", "program feature", "fix bugs" };
      foreach (string item in todo)

    static void CreateTodoItem(string item)
      Console.WriteLine($"[] {item}");

Yes, in the line foreach (string item in todo), we have declared a looping variable called item of type string. As the foreach iterates over the todo array, the next element in the array is assigned to this looping variable. So, in the first iteration, item is assigned the value “respond to email”. In the next iteration of the loop, item will be assigned the value “make wireframe”. And so on. This is not problematic because we are only re-assigning values to the looping variable item not re-declaring it.
In the body of the foreach loop, we can use this item variable. This is precisely what we do when we execute the statement CreateTodoItem(item); In every iteration of the loop, we pass the value assigned to item as an argument to the method called CreateTodoItem. Just because the method is called CreateTodoItem doesn’t mean we are re-declaring the item variable or duplicating it. We are simply passing it as an argument to a method. The method can be given any name.
In the method definition static void CreateTodoItem(string item), this item variable being declared is not the same as in the foreach loop. The item variable we declared in the foreach loop could be seen and used within the foreach loop. But now we are declaring a new method outside of the loop. In this method, we are declaring the parameter of the method as string item. The scope of this item variable is limited to the method. It can’t be seen or used outside of the method, so there is no conflict with the item variable of the foreach loop. The scopes of the variables are different. You may wish to revisit the lesson https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-c-sharp/lessons/csharp-method-calls-and-input/exercises/a-note-on-parameters which talks briefly about scope.


Okay. So the whole issue was me forgetting about scope. Thank you!

In this example

foreach (string note in melody)

the part that I don’t really understand is where does the “string note” come from? Can I just name this anything I want to? Or is that declaring the variable inside the foreach statement?

It is declared in place and will be local to loop body, only.

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