FAQ: Learn Text Design: Best Practices - Text Navigability

This community-built FAQ covers the “Text Navigability” exercise from the lesson “Learn Text Design: Best Practices”.

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Is there a difference between these 2 solutions? Does the order of the classes matter? The first is marked as right while the second isn’t.

html <a href="#" class="button button-primary button-small">View Recipe</a>
html <a href="#" class="button button-small button-primary">View Recipe</a>

I don’t get it either. What’s the point?
But it seems that Codacedamy has noticed the problem but hasn’t come up with a proper solution.
So you’ll see the solution presented after you click on the “refresh” button in the editor.

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all I can think of is the importance in which the styling should be applied, in case they both different elements. for example, if button-primary and button-small have padding styles- then it would apply button-primary over button-small. i’m not 100% sure on this, but that’s where my logic goes since i had the same idea “just add button-primary to the class” and got the same error.

I think you are correct. Perhaps they are trying to teach us the importance of order of classes.

Can someone please explain this logic to me for the buttons? I am so lost!

I’m almost positive it’s the same. Maybe it’s more desirable to list your classes alphabetically or maybe it’s because of something with the way the styles cascade or whatever but the code renders exactly the same in either case. And if I’m thinking correctly the order in which the padding was applied wouldn’t be based on where it was put in the HTML file but rather where it was put in the CSS file. If button-primary was closer to the top on the CSS it would take precedence (or maybe it’s the other way around I forgot) over button-small. Since they have the same specificity and are targeting the same element with the same property the precedence is determined by where it is in the document I believe. But as far as I’m aware the order the classes are put into an element on the HTML doesn’t make a difference. I may be wrong.

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Both orders worked for me. Background colors were changed for all the required buttons but I’m still unable to finish the exercise because the course didn’t except what I did.

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Same here I’ve got the right solution but I can’t submit it. Seems incorrect :frowning:

Update: I went to “Get unstuck” in the top right corner.
There I went to the solution Code.
It was the exact same code but when I pressed replace my Code with the solution it did work for me.
If someone is stuck here just do this until the bug is fixed.

Happy Coding !

I ran into the same issues, and also found that on the submit button you can literally copy and paste the code they tell you to use and it’s still wrong.

Shouldn’t have to “View Solutions” and “replace my code” to move forward with the lesson.

Will flag staff and see if we can get it fixed after all this time LOL

Codecademy’s instructions are incorrect in this task.

The instructions claim that the final code for the “Submit” input should be:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button footer-email-button button-primary"/>

However, if you input this code you cannot progress in the task.

When you go to “Get Unstuck” and view the solution, the correct code is displayed as:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button button-primary footer-email-button"/>

However, due to the fact that Codecademy’s instructions are incorrect, users are unable to progress even when inputting the correct code.

Codecademy mods, please correct this task ASAP, as it appears to have remained unaddressed for years.