This community-built FAQ covers the “Introduction” exercise from the lesson “Learn TDD With Mocha”.
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Web Development
Learn JavaScript Unit Testing
FAQs on the exercise Introduction
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Shouldn’t the test fail when there is nothing in the it
Just popping in to say that this was a nice module! The TDD methodology was well-explained and the exercises were well crafted
The test fails immediately for me. I know someone else mentioned it should fail without something in the it block, I’m assuming it didn’t fail for them. My problem is knowing even what to do since there’s no code to even look at to generate the test for. My brain is also a little fried. Some guidance would be helpful.
Edit: Nevermind. Figured it out. There is a solution, just be sure to read the test output.
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im learning TDD with mocha and i cant scroll my terminal upwards to view contents. whats the problem
In the Rooster Regulation project, I was receiving this error when I was trying to use the assert.throw
functionality to test if a function throws an error if a wrong number is passed in as an argument:
TypeError: is not a function
Upon my research, I realized that this error is usually thrown when the node version is relatively old. Hence, I write this post to inform @codecademy of this issue and to solve it.
const assert = require("assert");
const Rooster = require("../index.js");
describe("timeAtDawnLesserThanZero", () => {
it("throws an error if passed a number less than 0", () => {
const expectedResult = new RangeError("Number cannot be lesser then 0");
//Exercises and Verifies
assert.throws(() => {
}, expectedResult);
//Tears Down - Not Needed Here!