FAQ: Learn TDD With Mocha - Getting Into The Red I

This community-built FAQ covers the “Getting Into The Red I” exercise from the lesson “Learn TDD With Mocha”.

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This nodule is requiring me to write code that is in direct contradiction to the best practice described by the Test Phases module.

Here’s the code I want to write:

const assert = require('assert');
const Calculate =  require('../index.js')

describe('Calculate', () => {
  describe('.sum',() => {
    it('returns the sum of an array of numbers', () => {
      // Code here
      const array = [1,2,3];
      const expected = 6;

      const actual = Calculate.sum(array);


But here’s the code I need to write to pass it:

const assert = require('assert');
const Calculate =  require('../index.js')

describe('Calculate', () => {
  describe('.sum',() => {
    it('returns the sum of an array of numbers', () => {
      // Code here

Or am I missing something?


I totally agree!
Either one should be best practise.

Yeah, why can’t I use?

const assert = require('assert');
const Calculate =  require('../index.js')

describe('Calculate', () => {
  describe('.sum',() => {
    it('returns the sum of an array of numbers', () => {
      let expected = 6

      let test = Calculate.sum([1,2,3])
      assert.equal(test, expected)

It’s requiring me to use:

const assert = require('assert');
const Calculate =  require('../index.js')

describe('Calculate', () => {
  describe('.sum',() => {
    it('returns the sum of an array of numbers', () => {
      assert.equal(Calculate.sum([1,2,3]), 6);
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Completely agree.

This is something that I’ve noticed is quite common in the lessons I’ve done so far. We’re taught “x, y, and z are best practices, strive to be a good developer by doing this” and the tasks immediately require us to break these best practices and do “a, b and c”.

Not sure if this is done intentionally to prepare us for the real world – assuming that most developers we will work alongside are cowboys that do whatever they want with no regard for accurate and organised code.

if (true) {
    console.log('kudos to them')
} else {
    console.log('why is it so inconsistent?');

Maybe it’s the case that we should be aware of best practices and implementing them in comments in order to practice them for our own benefit, and giving the lessons what they ask for to fulfil the exercise requirements.


This seems like a plausible reason, or at least an unintended benefit; being exposed to good and bad practices and being able to work with them both.

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