FAQ: Learn Secondary Navigation - Where am I?

This community-built FAQ covers the “Where am I?” exercise from the lesson “Learn Secondary Navigation”.

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Learn Navigation Design

FAQs on the exercise Where am I?

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Hi guys, I’m trying to remove the underline in “>” using the CSS style shown below, but it’s not working as I think it would. How can I remove the underline text in “>”?

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I keep getting this error. i can not find what i am missing. thank you!!

You used both “list-style” and “display” attributes, I guess they want you to use only the “display” attribute.

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Hi, in lesson 2/8 “Simple examples of breadcrumbs” to create a similar breadcrumb we’re given this:

But on the exercise in this lesson the “>” in the first line of code disappear but the end result is the same.

Why and when should we use the “>” as in the first example, (signed in the blue circle)?

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Hello all!

I am trying to create a CSS rule that will cause my breadcrumb text to appear red when hovered. My original code is below:
.breadcrumb {
text-align: center;

.breadcrumb:hover {
color: red;

.breadcrumb li {
display: inline;


.breadcrumb li+li::before {
color: gray;
content: “>”;

This code did not perform as expected so I asked AI to provide a solution and it gave me the code below:

.breadcrumb {
text-align: center;

.breadcrumb li:hover {
color: red;

.breadcrumb li {
display: inline-block; /* or display: inline-flex; */

.breadcrumb li+li::before {
color: gray;
content: “>”;

This code also, did not perform as expected.

Any recommendations?? Thank you in advance!

a:hover {
  color: red;

I’ll give it a try thanks mang 8^)

o7 You’re welcome hope it helps!

Wayy to late,
but while im here i can try to help :slight_smile:

the “>” is a child combinator and basically says that you want to select all children of a certain parent element with a certain name.

Hope that clarifies it more. Although you probably know it by now haha

Just a note:

a:hover {
    color: red;

Will make all links on the page turn red when hovering.

If you want to apply it to just the links in the breadcrumb section you can do:

.breadcrumb a:hover {
    color: red;

Oh, I wasn’t the one that asked the question, but thanks.