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Hey there! I’ve been doing the Front-End Carreer Path from the beginning, and when I arrived at this particular segment of the breadcrumb types lesson, it kind of left me confused. When I click on the “Stuck? Get a hint” part, it only tells me to copy/paste a line of code that I think I didn’t see anywhere from now… Can someone please explain to me the syntax/hierarchy of the following line of CSS code:
.breadcrumb li.location+li.location::before {}
Am I missing something or we never saw or were explained this type of chained selectors before?!
The purpose is to ensure the first li (we’ll call it “home”), doesn’t have a “>” before it, which would look strange, and wouldn’t make sense since it is technically the starting breadcrumb.
I tried googling “li+li”, and it is very difficult to find any use cases for it. I only realized the purpose after experimentation with the code sample in the exercise.
To add to the feedback given here, this lesson (and the ones immediately preceding it) doesn’t focus on or build off of fundamental concepts in quite the same way that earlier lessons have. It jumps over several concepts and gives us styling templates - often pasted in - without understanding several of the underlying concepts/conventions.
Would much prefer getting foundational knowledge and being asked to utilize it, even if it takes longer to get there! This wouldn’t fully remedy the issue, but there were some of the “stuck” sections that could provide explanatory detail rather than instructing to copy/paste.
Would have been great to have an entire lesson on pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after, so that we better understand the “why” behind it. I watched an entire youtube video about it and it’s still confusing.
pseudo-elements are DOM nodes that don’t exist. They’re made up. However, they give CSS a way to create a DOM node that is transient, but can still be styled and rendered. It let’s us use a graphic as a list bullet, for example, or an icon on a PDF link, a web link, or a site link, even. The specs describe the usage. I’m sure by now you have familiarized yourself with those?
I am lost with this section. The CSS got super complicated - out of nowhere it feels like. Thanks to those who shared the same thought. I don’t want to let this section turn me off from everything I’ve enjoyed so far. This part of the course lacks clarity for me. I will keep going though.
Yeah I’m kind of taking it as CSS isn’t a very important language and you’ll just be copy/pasting what you need from online sites, because it just makes so little sense compared to the HTML we’ve learned so far.
One you need to learn, albeit. That attitude will not help. Just like playing piano trains our muscle memory, writing CSS trains our presentation memory. If you cannot write your own CSS then who knows?
Wish the site would attempt to teach us how to understand CSS instead of just doing copy + paste exercises, watching the video walkthrough of the project at the end of this unit I am nowhere near the understanding/comprehension it seems I should be yet I’ve followed the exact path given to me by the fullstack career path, whereas my HTML is feeling easier and easier, CSS just seems to get more complicated with unhelpful explanations.
Devote a weekend or two to just bare bones HTML and a few more with bare bones CSS. Create new lessons from experience and experimentation (which implies there is an hypothesis). It gets really interesting when we focus on the range of effect of any one or two properties. When you put in the time, and direct the expectations, then the learning begins.
You won’t know the language of CSS until you can describe all of its properties. After that it’s a matter of copy-pasting the code you know will meet your needs because you recognize it.
Learn how to control structure (HTML) and presentation/layout (CSS) before embarking upon behaviors that involve scripting. Be not the one who decides these two languages don’t matter much.
This breadcrumbs thing is becoming more and more annoying to be honest. No clear explanation, just copy/paste things. I give up this section, that’s way too hard for no reason, and NOT CLEAR. I’m just angry, I don’t have the feeling of learning at all, just trying to get out of this as quick as possible, because I won’t stand this
I stuck this section out to completion and did feel more confident with typing stuff like .breadcrumb li.location+li.location::before {content: “>”} by the end. But the section that had me making arrows out of the borders had me feeling that this was a big jump from what the course had me doing up to this point and I did feel like I was just copying and pasting to get through it.