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I don’t fully understand how the breadcrumbs chevrons were formed. How come by just playing with border size and transparency you created what is essentially triangles?
I agree. I’m currently in the middle of this exercise, and although I’ve fiddled around with devtools to experiment with the chevrons a bit, some further explanation as to how they are formed into arrows would be much appreciated!
I was also wondering this.
It seems like it works because the borders of a container will have 45 degree angles in the corners (like a picture frame). Therefore by making the top and bottom border blue, for example, but making the left border transparent, you are left with a shape created by leftover 45 degree angles from the top and bottom borders. This trick can also be used to make triangles.
Search for css triangle if you want a better explanation!
Can I please ask in the exercise question 2, why do we change the element to “float: left”, instead of “display: inline”. I thought when we are using float, the display is automatically set as “display: block”?
In the result, after changing to “float: left”, all elements stay together in the same line, same behavior as “inline”.
Really appreciate you mentioning this! I have a much better understanding of how this is working based on you mentioning looking up css triangles! Thanks so much!
What I don’t quite understand is the logic of “position: absolute;” here. I thought it was just about position but not size. Could anyone tell me why it makes the border vertically shrink?
I don’t have a clear answer, however I do know with just “inline” you cannot change the width or height, it would need to be changed to inline-block. I was also wondering why it wasn’t just changed to inline-block.
Why is height included in this styling? It’s my understanding that ‘a’ is an inline element so height would not apply. I removed it with seemingly no effect.
Not sure if this is the correct answer, but MDN says a percentage in relation to the property left means “A of the containing block’s width.”
After taking out the background color for .breadcrumb a (to better see the pseudo-elements), I played with the percent value. If I changed the percent value to 50%, it moved the pseudo-element halfway through the < li > text, so I think “containing block’s width” means the width of the link/text, so setting left to 100% would move the triangle/pseudo element after the text.
Hello, just wanted to add some input about this exercise. I really felt this particular lesson was heavy on the copy-paste the code we’ve already written and bingo, now you’ve created something.
Like other commenters I see from before, I really wasn’t understanding how the css was working to make the arrows since I wasn’t having to do it step-by-step myself but simply copy-pasting someone else’s work.