FAQ: Learn React Router v6 - useParams

This community-built FAQ covers the “useParams” exercise from the lesson “Learn React Router v6”.

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This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

React Router
Learn React Router v6

FAQs on the exercise useParams

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The code in Articles.js does not match part 7 of the exercise, useParams. Although part 7 is supposed to introduce us to useParams, in the video already has it imported in Articles.js. Also do we still have to declare ‘const articles = article[title]’? It’s missing in the starter code.

The example provided feels a bit unorthodox to me.

If using useParams() to extract the string to be used as a header, then we would end up with dashes in place of spaces and, eventually, unintended capitalization.

I.e, given the url


The header would display:


instead of, for example:

Characteristics of a Good Test

We could add some complex logic to format text, of course, but I would have find it more helpful to see an example more related to the Code provided as the follow along. I am having a hard time joining the dots in there…

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