This community-built FAQ covers the “Variables” exercise from the lesson “Learn Python: Syntax”.
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November 6, 2019, 1:21am
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November 6, 2019, 1:24am
In practice exercise of variables , outputs are somewhat like
A muffin
But i want to get the output like
Breakfast: A muffin (in same line and using variable syntax).Please help me out
I am totally new in programming field.
I am getting error while running this code. What’s the issue?
line1 = “I love you”
line2 = “I miss you”
I tried mixing variable and line break.
Keep in mind that \n is an escape character and must go between quotes, think of it as a word. You can try something like:
print(line1 + "\n" + line2)
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How to get the output like
Breakfast: A muffin.
In same line.
I formulated this, still has error.
We’ve defined the variable “meal” here to the name of the food we ate for breakfast!
meal = “An english muffin”
Printing out breakfast
Now update meal to be lunch!
meal = “A big sandwich”
Printing out lunch
Now update “meal” to be dinner
meal = “lasagna”
Printing out dinner
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I have a few questions concerning Variables:
First of all, will a string always be a variable as long as I use the format (where “string” can be anything that doesn’t start with a number and only has underscores “_” or numbers within it)
string = “example”
Second, if I am using the same variable name multiple times, will the variables associated data (block of texts or anything else) always be the one associated to the latest one?
For example, for the following code:
meal = “omelette”
print(meal) would always print the latest precision for meal, right? (In this case, omelette)
If I were to include another designation for meal, the latest one would override the initial one?
In this case:
meal = “omelette”
meal = “hashbrown”
According to what I understand, print(meal) would display “omelette” first instance, and then display “hashbrown” for the second instance. Am I correct on this point?
Thus, if I want to have the initial designation, I would have to write another line of
meal = “omelette”
So that for subsequent print(meal), I should be able to only print “omelette” instead of “hashbrown”?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
Hey , that’s a pretty good question, in order to do that you have to print the message in the same line so,
print("dinner: " + meal)
so instead of printing dinner and meal alone , we combine them with a “+”