FAQ: Learn Python - Pyglatin - Break It Down

This community-built FAQ covers the “Break It Down” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on Python.

FAQs for the Codecademy Python exercise Break It Down:

If you’re given instructions to print a specific string, assign a specific value to a variable, etc., be sure that you match the spelling and capitalization exactly. Often at times if you feel you’ve done an exercise correctly but are getting an error, the error message in the editor will have helpful hints if it was a simple typo, but also look back over your code to make sure you’ve entered what’s being asked for.
For example, if the instructions want you to print “Welcome to Pig Latin!” and you type `print “welcome to pig latin!”, it’ll be marked incorrect!

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I am interested in knowing why you choose the name “Pig Latin”.

… From that article:

Early mentions of pig Latin or hog Latin describe what we would today call dog Latin, a type of parody Latin.[ citation needed ] Examples of this predate even Shakespeare, whose 1598 play, Love’s Labour’s Lost , includes a reference to dog Latin:[2]

Costard: Go to; thou hast it ad dungill, at the fingers’ ends, as they say.
Holofernes: O, I smell false Latine; dunghill for unguem.

— Love’s Labour’s Lost, William Shakespeare

An 1866 article describes a “hog latin” that has some similarities to current Pig Latin. The article says, "He adds as many new letters as the boys in their ‘hog latin,’ which is made use of to mystify eavesdroppers. A boy asking a friend to go with him says, ‘Wig-ge you-ge go-ge wig-ge me-ge?’ The other, replying in the negative, says, ‘No-ge, I-ge wo-ge.’ "[3]. This is similar to Língua do Pê.

… and much more.

So, this exercise asks you to do things, like make an input and move chars around and replace them in a word and add constraints to the word… I think there may have been ONE exercise that mentioned input, but never showed you how to use it beyond one example script. I got a little practice with chars i.e. First letter = piglatin [0], then what, do that for all the chars of the input, which I don’t how to implement and shuffle them? about if a user inputs a longer string than I had anticipated and breaks my code? I don’t have a subscription to code academy, therefore I don’t have the opportunity to get the advanced projects and lessons, and do not believe I have the requisite knowledge to go forward with the course unless I pay? or am I missing something here? thanks!

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That’s what I was wondering!!??
Codecademy should tell us what to do to continue with this lesson because it clearly can’t be completed with what we know so far!!!

I also wonder how we are to ensure it’s a word. Is there a databae for this or …?

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