FAQ: Learn Python - Exam Statistics - Computing the Average

This community-built FAQ covers the “Computing the Average” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on Python.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Why Do I Have to Use float()?

Hi guys,

Exam Statistics / 5. Computing the Average

Please see my programm-code:

grades = [100, 100, 90, 40, 80, 100, 85, 70, 90, 65, 90, 85, 50.5] # was given

def grades_sum(scores):
    result = 0
    for i in scores:
        result += i
    return result

def grades_averange(grades_input):
    factor1 = grades_sum(grades_input)
    result = factor1 / float(len(grades_input))
    return result

print(grades_averange(grades)) #call of fuction and call to print

Result in console right:

Given Error:
grades_average seems to be missing!

Can someone give me a advice, what Im doing wrong?

you do not have a function named grades_average, which is why you get this error. Check your function name

On lines 12 and 13 of the solution, it says,
sum_of_grades = grades_sum(grades_input)
average = sum_of_grades / float(len(grades_input))

I don’t see why I can’t replace this with:
average = grades_sum(grades) / float(len(grades_input))

This removes an extra line while giving the same answer.

less lines of code doesn’t necessary mean better code.

in this case, i don’t think it matters a lot

But isn’t it better to be concise?

sum_of_grades is an intermediate variable.

Sometimes an intermediate variable provides clarity concerning the functioning of your algorithm, sometimes it just seems to be clutter. I think it’s less a matter of conciseness than of aesthetics.

If, for instance, you’re going to need to compute many averages, “concise” code might result from defining a function to compute the average (or using numpy, where it’s a built-in), then making use of it whenever needed.

Hi, I’ve been playing around with this ‘computing the average’ code. I’ve written out two ways - one is a lot longer than the other!
I can’t figure out why Example 1 won’t print the correct result though? It prints 3. Examples 2 prints the correct number, 4.5. (Apologies the indents don’t show up but I don’t think that’s the problem!..)
Thanks for your help!

Example 1:

grades = [5, 4]

def grades_sum(x):
total = 0
for num in x:
total += num
total = total / len(x)
return float(total)
print grades_sum(grades)

prints 3

Example 2:

grades = [5, 4]

def grades_sum(x):
total = 0
for num in x:
total += num
return float(total)

def grades_received(x):
return float(len(x))

def avg(a, b):
total = grades_sum(grades) / grades_received(grades)
return float(total)

print avg(grades_sum(grades), grades_received(grades))

prints 4.5