FAQ: Learn Python - Date and Time - Pretty Time

This community-built FAQ covers the “Pretty Time” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on Python.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Why Is %02d Necessary?

On this activity, my output is giving me the wrong time. It says that its 18:45:11 when its 1 pm where I live? Does anyone know why this happening or how I can fix it, thanks :slight_smile:

Mine is also giving the wrong time! Would appreciate any explanation :slight_smile:

My datetime import is also giving me the wrong time. Why does this happen?

The time in the LE is UTC, so will be offset by how many time zones east (+) or west (-). For instance, EST is UTC - 5 hours.

This is just a tip for the code-academy staff:

The previous exercise was this:

Then the next one ( where this thread belongs to ), in the instructions, we are missing to change the %4d to %2d.

Just my 2 cents

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Is this in the Python 2 track? Oh wait, it is. D’oh!. Nonetheless, there will never be any updates to this content. The version is defunct and no longer supported in the real world. Learn what you can in this environment and move on.

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This bug is still there. Nobody 'll fix it, since Learn Python 3 is the current recommended course on Python, I guess.

Is there a way to print milliseconds?

python - Format a datetime into a string with milliseconds - Stack Overflow