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I’m not sure why, but I am receiving contradictory instructions from this lesson. In the instructions for the lesson, it states to replace the underline on line 2 with an expression that returns True. However, there was no underline to replace on line 2 only a blank space. When entering in a true expression and running the program, it returned an error. When I viewed the solution to see what I might have been missing, it stated to enter Underlines in each section that it had stated to replace Underlines.
What am I missing in the instruction here? Was I supposed to enter Underlines in the code and then interact with the console after running the program? If that is the case, then the instructions are not clear.
When I replaced my code with solution, it made the code the same as it started when I first started the exercise, blank with no true statements in the field and opposite of the hint, and yet it stated this was the correct solution.