This community-built FAQ covers the “Compare… Closelier!” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on Python.
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Seems like in Compare Closely and Compare Closelier the True/false answers have been saved so there is nothing to enter/change. Anyone else get that?
Same, the correct answers were already present in the code. Simply hitting run completed the portion of that lesson. Seems like an oversight.
Code seems stuck at ’Compare Closely and Compare Closelier’ lesson. I risk saying; my input seems correct but I’m not being allowed to RUN the code. Can anyone help with this, please… what is my subtle oversight here?
Yeah Sarah, I’m having some challenges here as well. Did you find the solution yourself? Thanks! : )
I had that problem. You can fix it by resetting the exercise.
maybe it’s because I’m not from the USA, but in the line “(10 + 17) == 316" what does "316” mean?
Hello @idontknow6172306953 and welcome to the Codecademy Forums!
means 3 to the power of 16.
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It looks like the answers for this exercise and the one before it are already saved in the code, I see that other people are having the same problem as well.
I’m not sure what I am supposed to learn from this task…I am doing the math and just telling the computer these variables (bool_one etc) are true or false but since the math is in comments the computer only sees variables and whether they are true or false. The computer isn’t doing math like it was in the previous examples. What is the point?