FAQ: Learn Python - Battleship - And Seek


This community-built FAQ covers the “And Seek” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on Python.

FAQs for the Codecademy Python exercise eAnd Seek:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Board indexing question

why do we need to put -1 in randint function in second parameter?
len(board) -1

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I got the following message, but can’t find a mistake in my code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “python”, line 24, in
ExecTimeoutException: Program took too long to terminate.

There would appear to be a infinite loop. Please show us your code.

Belay. It’s the LE timing out while the program waits for input. There is a very short time window in which to enter something at the input prompt. Refresh and try again. This time be quick.

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Amazing! Thanks! I was too slow…

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Traceback (most recent call last):
File “python”, line 15, in
ExecTimeoutException: Program took too long to terminate.

Is not accepting any int imput from keyboard

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This is an issue with using raw_input. Myself and a number of other people have submitted bug reports on this but it’s never been fixed. Getting the same issue 21/10/2021

You just have to let it fail twice and then click ‘View Solution’ in order to continue.

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Agree that this is the issue and it is still not fixed.

And it will never be fixed. The Python 2 content is not being maintained and users will just have to work around the few issues that surface, mostly pertaining to raw_input(). Don’t use it. Just code in the values and watch the code perform. Use print to show intermediate output for a better look at the process.

Python 2 is long ago sunsetted so take this opportunity to just experience the language and learn as much as you can from the free public platform. That will prepare you for Python 3 in the Pro and Student subscriptions.

Bottom line, take from this what learning experience you can and make the most of it. It’s free, and 99% of it still works.

Thanks a lot. You resolved my problem!

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