FAQ: Learn Phaser Basics: Color A Pegasus - Indicating Palette Selection

This community-built FAQ covers the “Indicating Palette Selection” exercise from the lesson “Learn Phaser Basics: Color A Pegasus”.

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FAQs on the exercise Indicating Palette Selection

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Hello everyone I have a doubt in Indicating Palette Selection from learn phaser course. In this the pallet cricles are not getting away with gold border when we move on to another palette circle and also can someone eloborate the usage of ‘this’ adding 3rd argument {color} as context at line number 40. I have my gist code attached. gist code for that particular exercise

You are correct. This functionality hasn’t been implemented in this particular exercise. But in the next exercise called “Review”, they have added a loop in the pointerout handler to reset the strokeColor of all circles to black.

In another thread, there is a nice explanation about the use of context for color. FAQ: Learn Phaser Basics: Color A Pegasus - Updating Color - #5 by course2309276510
In the same thread, there is a comment by javapro77079 about the use of ‘this’. If you still have doubts/questions about the use of ‘this’, share your thoughts on what you find confusing.