FAQ: Learn Node SQLite - Using db.run()

This community-built FAQ covers the “Using db.run()” exercise from the lesson “Learn Node SQLite”.

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Web Development

Learn Node-SQLite

FAQs on the exercise Using db.run()

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Why is it imortant not to use arrow notation in the callback function? I guess an arrow function does not provide ‘this’ object? Why so?


I’d love to understand this a little better, too.

In spite of the fact that this question has been asked before (in 2018), I ask it again, in the hope that, this time, there will be someone with more experience who will deign to answer us.
Why, within the context of this exercise, was it important not to use an arrow notation function?

As glumax80 mentioned, I believe it is because arrow functions do not have their own binding to the this keyword and in this exercise we want to access the value of this.lastID.

The MDN web docs on arrow functions provides an explanation:

However, I think you can still use an arrow function within db.run() if you don’t need to access this. I’ve seen it work in a later project in the Web Dev path that I’m working on now.