FAQ: Learn Java: Manipulating Variables - final Keyword

This community-built FAQ covers the “final Keyword” exercise from the lesson “Learn Java: Manipulating Variables”.

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Build Basic Android Apps with Java

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Dear sir/ma’am
When I put the final keyword it does not work :frowning:
I do not get an error
final 1
What do I do?

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You need to define a new variable for pi. You simply updated pi from 3.14 to 3.142 so you will not get an error because you are allowed to define pi as any value you like.

What you need to do on a new line define pi as a new value e.g 3.12 then you will get an error.

public class Final {
public static void main(String args) {
final double pi = 3.14;
pi = 3.15;



Final.java:5: error: cannot assign a value to final variable pi
pi = 3.15;
1 error

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I understood it! Thank you very much! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am barely starting my Java journey, so I have a question for the community and more advanced folks:

Do we have to use uppercase letters for variables when using the “final” keyword?

I couldn’t find a definitive answer, on one side I saw in the Oracle University Java Explorer course that we have to do it as a convention, also we need to use underscores to sepparate the variable name’s words, something like this:
final int MAX_COUNT = 30;

On the other hand I have seen some posts in StackOverflow that say this is not mandatory.
Thanks in advance!

Why does the value of pi update even if it is final? Isn’t it supposed to error?

When make something like this:

public class Final {
public static void main(String args) {
final double pi = 3.14;


  //forgotten semicolon
  pi = 3.1416


Code does not work, due semicolon issue, but task 2. checkbox is checked out anyway.
I think this lesson should evaluate this error before checkbox status changes.

You didn’t change the pi variable, you created a new variable and used pi to define the new one.
Try something like += or -= on the pi variable to get the error.

I know how to get the error, but I was messing around and printed a change like this:

I’ve also seen others with similar screenshots, and I’m wondering about the trailing 00000001- Why does that happen??