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I cannot seem to get my practice code to run. I have multiple print statements in main, but when I type java List in the terminal, I get nothing. Am I missing something?
How do I replace that terminal on the right, which doesn’t work, with an IntelliJ IDEA window? I can’t test the code. javac List.class returns an error:
javac: invalid flag: List.class
Usage: javac
use --help for a list of possible options
Why do I have to create arrayLists inside main methods? You usually declare and initialize things before main methods (for example, constructor methods typically precede them). However, if I create an arrayList before my main method, the code doesn’t work. Why?
UPD: I discovered it has to do with static/non-static qualities (though, if you feel like explaining it to me in more detail, I would appreciate it as I don’t fully get it!). Unfortunately, I forgot what static/non-static means. To add insult to injury, I don’t remember which previous lesson mentioned it, and it’s very inconvenient to search for information in a course on Codecademy! You can’t even preview “sub-lessons” of each lesson. Basically, you have to do your search manually. It’s a pitty!
UPD2: It would be nice if Codecademy stressed the fact that arrays must be created inside main methods. Could you consider including that information in the lessons? I may be not the last person who is confused by that
// You wrote:
class List {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// It should be:
class List {
public static void main(String[] args) {