FAQ: Learn HTML - Tables - Table Head

This community-built FAQ covers the “Table Head” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on HTML.

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Hi there!
While the course so far has been completely understandable can I ask you to explain why the explanatory code also contains th elements within the body, whereas the previous task contained the information that The <tbody> element should contain all of the table’s data, excluding the table headings?
Thank you in advance.

I sorta have the same question. does <thead> only contain column <th>, and <th> related to rows can only be included inside <tbody>?


I have the same question

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Hi everyone!

From my understanding, when adding the element shouldn’t change anything visually.

But, for me, it changes that section to light blue and changes the text style.

When I remove the element, it goes back to normal.

Is that supposed to happen?

Maybe I didn’t read that part of the lesson correctly.

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Same here. It may be to do with CSS. Is that correct? I was wondering how it is possible to to the same with horizontal headers(or row headers)? Is it to do with the scope attribute?

I have the following question, why I can’t just use the “scope” attribute inside the (or <tbody, - depending) and give the value “col” or “row”. Like this:


i often made this mistake thinking and to be same because they are different…

I understand that , and divide the table vertically, not horizontally. Therefore, the of the first row would be considered inside of the , the ones of the following rows would belong to the body part of the table, and the of the last row, to the (should there be one).

[quote=“emlla, post:11, topic:267359, full:true”]
I understand that thead, tbody and tfoot divide the table vertically, not horizontally. Therefore, the th of the first row would be considered inside of the thead, the ones of the following rows would belong to the body part of the table, and the th of the last row, to the tfoot (should there be one).

The lesson states that ONLY column headings go under elements. How come? It never really explained it clearly. Why not row headings?

Yes CSS is already applied for you so you can see the change. Since and is like a

, it doesn’t change visually. It is just division or group so coders or you know which section you’re looking for OR you can apply CSS

Adding thead does not DO ANYTHING, I can’t hit next it just says ERROR. The solution provided is the only way to progress forward, but yet it doesn’t even have thead included anywhere in the code!