FAQ: Learn HTML - Tables - Spanning Columns

This community-built FAQ covers the “Spanning Columns” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on HTML.

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One of the most difficult problems with your exercises is where/what location. This one says find a td element, OK. Lots of td/tr/ etc. Could you please put in an approximate location using line numbers. I took a Fortran course at Stanislaus State Collage in 1973 and we had punch cards and fan fold paper with line numbers. Looking for a td/tr and others in 50 lines of code is not fun. in a 1000 lines of code impossible. Line numbers have a reason, please use them. The other option is comments. I have not seen any comments in any of your codes that describe a place to be or a place to go to or the reason why. Comments are the most important part of coding both for now and changes in the future. The same rules that apply to us ( the student ) should be used by you, the instructor.

You have td elements at
line 38
and no comments anywhere

The instructions for this task are rather esoteric and could be more helpful.


" In index.html, span a <td> element across two columns." ----> Where?

Also the ‘Hint’ is rather blasé:

“The formatting doesn’t look so good. Feel free to delete the colspan attribute and value from the <td> element you added them to.” ----> what is this referring to? Is it suggesting we follow the instructions and then delete the colspan element? If so, why are we instructed to do this to begin with, and why are the instructions to undo this work hidden within the hint?


Did you figure it out? I have no clue where to put it…Which columns? What value? “2” like in the example?

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I didn’t get this assignment either. Is it possible to contact instructors?



<table> <tr> <th scope='col'>Company Name</th> <th scope='col'>Number of Items to Ship</th> <th scope='col'>Next Action</th> </tr>

I inputed on lines 25-28:

<tr> <td colspan="2">Adam's Greenworks</td> <td>Package Items</td> </tr>

It extended the Adam’s Greenworks company name through the number of items column like I thought it would, but it just doesn’t make any sense to do that. Assignment passed, however.

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