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I am really confused about the instruction to add an empty src to the script tag. When I do it gives me the error message that the src must have a value. What have I done wrong?
It may well be that a console error is tolerated for this exercise, and will be rectified in a following lesson. Albeit that the case, a hash is an acceptable URL to the browser.
The script has been left commented out, for some reason. In script.js remove the comment tokens, /* at beginning, and */ at the end. Click Run to save. Now click the browser window repeatedly.
True and I did uncommented it. Well, actually what I did was to remove only the first “*/” and left the last. I didn’t show me any error message as I kept tying to make it work. It’s working now. Thanks!
In your case, ./ isn’t needed since that file is on the same level as the current directory that you are in. For example, if you wanted to enter or access a file that was one directory higher, you would use …/ which would bring you up a directory and into that file. I hope this helped!
In the example in src attribute lesson, what is the difference between making an assignment of value to before the switch statement and after it?
@megaace97152 The color of the “codecademy” text was set in style.css as #459287. The in the tag we have an event handler “onclick” which is set to our to our function “newStyle()”. When we click on the “codecademy” text our “newStyle()” function is initiated.
The newStyle() function initializes two variables newColor and newFont as empty strings.Then we generate a random number from 0-6, depending on what the number is we use the switch statement to reassign the newFont and newColor variables.
var elem = document.getElementById(‘logo’); = newColor; = newFont;
Then we use the above code to render the new color and new font to the browser.
I hope this brings some clarity to your confusion.
Good question. Consider what a CSS file will contain: Text. It can be more closely compared to a document, such as HTML. Now a JS file can be more closely compared to an image file where the digitization comes into play. This is a loose translation, to be sure. It may be more related to MIME types and how the files are categorized.