FAQ: Learn HTML: Forms - Introduction to HTML Forms

This community-built FAQ covers the “Introduction to HTML Forms” exercise from the lesson “Learn HTML: Forms”.

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This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Introduction to HTML

FAQs on the exercise Introduction to HTML Forms

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Thx for this newly added tutorial! I am enjoying it big time so far. However it seems to be full of bugs ;). I reported most of them during the tutorial but just wanted to drop a message here also.

Keep up the good work and keep them tutorials coming! :smiley:


Yeet or be yeeted on

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Why does it say ‘Goooble’ instead of google?


so what does other form that the instruction referring to? is it the clickable logo or the clickable search icon? or both?

So is the search bar actually a form or not? :sweat_smile:

It for sure is a form control but may not be a <form></form> proper since we often see form controls managed by script (event listener/handler) and using JSON to communicate with the search engine. A form would normally have an ACTION attribute (with a URL value) and a METHOD attribute with POST or GET value, and a SUBMIT button to trigger the action.

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