FAQ: Learn HTML - Common HTML Elements - Linking At Will

Np, you are welcome :slight_smile:
Yeaah, I can’t believe they still haven’t edited that exercise :sweat_smile:

Good luck!

Thank you! Suddenly everything makes sense. :slight_smile:

What am I doing wrong here?

The only difference we can see is the space character. Keep your code and remove that space, then see what happens.

I must be completely lost. Can you show me what I’m doing wrong here?


Did you try diffing with the solution?

Could you elaborate on that?

Click view solution then scroll through the page to look for differences.

Thank you!!! The wording in the question was confusing. It’s frustrating that your answer was so far down, but I’m glad I found it.

I still don’t get it :joy: how to do this?

Why is this lesson titled “Linking at Will”. What does it mean? I need to know, because this helps in understanding what the lesson is about

Does anyone know why the output shows a broken image link? I scrolled through some of the comments, but I did not see a solution.

Yes I noticed it as well, I haven’t seen anyone give an update as to how it can be fixed.

what is a google doc ? and how do i keep the various pieces of code and definitions on a google doc ?

Thank you so much!!! my face now: :clown_face: