FAQ: Learn HTML - Common HTML Elements - Linking At Will

This community-built FAQ covers the “Linking At Will” exercise in Codecademy’s lessons on HTML.

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As the image is a link now as per the exercise. should it open now? little confused. Help


At Linking at Will, the exercise asks to add an image element to the index.html, but the link is to a webpage, not an image. When I click solution to try to see how it’s done, nothing would show up.


We have this element coded in the page…

<img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/codecademy-content/courses/web-101/web101-image_brownbear.jpg" />

That is a picture of a brown bear. We can make it into a link to the Wikipedia article by wrapping that element in an anchor tag…

    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_bear" target="_blank">
    <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/codecademy-content/courses/web-101/web101-image_brownbear.jpg" />

See how the image is now in the place of what might normally be link text? An anchor tag will transform any element into a link. I wrote on separate lines but the entire thing can be written on one line, if we prefer.

For now, ignore the target attribute, as that should come up in another lesson. That lets our link open in a new window so we don’t lose our place in the exercise.


Does anyone else have issues remembering what all of the commands mean? I can’t recall what the target=’_blank’ actually means or does.
Could just google it of course… ha.:expressionless:

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13 posts were split to a new topic: References to old example

Why is there a back-slash before the end of the img tag?
I thought the img tag was portrayed like this not

See example from lesson below.

<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opuntia" target="_blank"><img src="#" alt="A red prickly pear fruit"/></a>

We could give you the short answer, but this posted in several topics already, so let’s start with some dry, technical reading…


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I have done what was asked in for this exercise I believe and inputted this piece of code.

href="./index.html" target=_blank>

However the link is not an image but some small icon like a small page. Is this is a fault in my coding or something else?

I’ve removed the opening and closing tags to allow it to be pasted.

Thanks for your time

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Yes same thing happened to me. So confused as to why it would tell us to put it in the index but then when u hit solution it has put everything under the media file. not the index. thats where it confused me. Help! can you tell me why it told us to put it in index but then put it in media?!


Hi, is there any way to link text and when you click the text this trigger a click event on a element?
So, let’s say i want to tap to click here and then a click will be triggered to a pardot form …

There are ways, yes; however, that is beyond the scope of these lessons. When you find your way into the JavaScript unit and sufficiently progressed, events will be introduced. Focus upon mastering HTML, and then CSS before taking a segue down this path.

I’m sorry, but I’m not satisfied with this explanation. The instructions for the Linking At Will lesson indicate to alter the index.html link, not the image tag further along in the body. And where did that amazonaws.com link come from? There’s nothing like that in the instructions, just the same wikipedia URL from earlier.

I think I understand the concepts here, it’s just that this puzzle doesn’t make sense to me.

I know I have a long ways to go, so forgive me if the answer is staring me in the face. I’m just getting frustrated.


Line 40 of the HTML.

I’m a bit confused because it mentions to alter the index not the image of the bear?

Please point that out with a link to the exercise. Thanks.

For anyone still confused about this exercise in 2020… :smiley:
When they say to wrap the image in the index.html, they don’t mean the relative path under code line no.9 but the general file name - if you look to the top of your workspace you’ll see the name of the sheet is index.html.
There is only one image we’ve put on our page during the course and it’s under Media. So wrap that one up in anchor tag with the url that is given in exercise as a hyperlink reference (href) and add a blank target attribute. And that’s it.



In this exercise, there’s one area of the code I’m confused by. See below:

Screen Shot 2020-01-26 at 6.04.36 PM (2)

It seems that the circled part doesn’t belong to the opening nor closing anchor tag, so I’m wondering what purposes this serves.


In the HTML world we are wont to have the most regard for carrots. Erm, carats. They are the principle characters in defining markup. <, >.

Markup defines a region, either textually (has text node) or intrinsically (has attributes). The former has a closing tag, the latter, not.


That’s the model for the above screenshot.