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Hello! I am new to programming, so please bear with me.
How do we accommodate scenarios where you have multiple if statements, such as the if...else statements in JS?
For example, if I was programming a self-checkout register, I would want there to be a possibility of:
User inserting the exact amount of $
User inserting too much $ (for change)
User not inserting enough $
What would be the correct code to write the above? Would it be something like this?
{{#if amount}}
<p>Thank you for your business! Have a nice day.</p>
{{else if}}
<p>Here is your change. Thank you for your business! Have a nice day.</p>
<p>Oops! You haven't inserted enough money. Please insert the balance.</p>
To add on that, if I wanted the machine to display the remaining balance, could I concatenate the change due back in cases of overpayment (paid amount - balance), or the amount due in cases of underpayment (balance - paid amount)?
Excellent question,
I have tried to force the condition out of Boolean logic using an integer, like this:
{{#if amount = 3}}
and then
let context = {
amount = 3
But that doesn’t render anything… we would have to start by assigning a valid condition’s value to an integer or string in order to even use {{else if}}.
I have also tried using a colon ‘:’ instead of an equal sign ‘=’, but to no avail. Do any of you know how to get out of Boolean conditions for such an Handlebar statement?