FAQ: Learn Express Routes - Sending A Response

This community-built FAQ covers the “Sending A Response” exercise from the lesson “Learn Express Routes”.

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FAQs on the exercise Sending A Response

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Please explain what const { seedElements} = require('./utils'); is and what does it do in relation to:

const expressions = [];
seedElements(expressions, 'expressions');


Hi there,
in app.js we find this:
const { seedElements } = require(’./utils’);

It appears to import a single property of the exported module (object) from utils.js:
module.exports = {
createElement: createElement,
getIndexById: getIndexById,
getElementById: getElementById,
updateElement: updateElement,
seedElements: seedElements,

It is smart but was not covered in the module course so it’s all new to me and it appears to use the bracket syntax introduced by ES6 for named exports/imports but does not use the import keyword.

Is this syntax valid in ES5?

If not and it is a ES6 syntax, then why use the require() function rather than the import…from keywords (import { seedElements } from ./utils), making a mix of the two syntaxes?

Since the module.exports example is confusing with properties’ names and values bearing the exact same designation, I’m left to suppose that in const { seedElements }, seedElements is the property’s name, used as a key to locate and return its value. Am I correct?

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In this exercise “Learn Express” (code snippet below), what is the point to call app.use() twice?

const express = require(‘express’);
const app = express();
const { seedElements } = require(’./utils’);

// Serves Express Yourself website

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4001;
// Use static server to serve the Express Yourself Website

const expressions = ;
seedElements(expressions, ‘expressions’);

// Get all expressions
app.get(’/expressions’, (req, res, next) => {
// console.log(req);

app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(Listening on port ${PORT});

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seedElements(expressions, “expressions”) is called and it populates the expressions array with items.

let expressionIdCounter = 0; const createElement = (elementType, queryArguments) => { if (queryArguments.hasOwnProperty('emoji') && queryArguments.hasOwnProperty('name')) { let currentId; if (elementType === 'expressions') { expressionIdCounter += 1; currentId = expressionIdCounter; } else { animalIdCounter += 1; currentId = animalIdCounter; } return { 'id': currentId, 'emoji': queryArguments.emoji, 'name': queryArguments.name, }; } else { return false; } }; const seedElements = (arr, type) => { if (type === 'expressions') { arr.push(createElement('expressions', {'emoji': '😀', 'name': 'happy'})); arr.push(createElement('expressions', {'emoji': '😎', 'name': 'shades'})); arr.push(createElement('expressions', {'emoji': '😴', 'name': 'sleepy'})); } else if (type === 'animals') { arr.push(createElement('animals', {'emoji': '🐶', 'name': 'Pupper'})); arr.push(createElement('animals', {'emoji': '🐍', 'name': 'Snek'})); arr.push(createElement('animals', {'emoji': '🐱', 'name': 'Maru'})); } else { throw new Error(`seed type must be either 'expression' or 'animal'`); } }; const array= []; seedElements(array, "expressions"); console.log(array);

Hope that helps