FAQ: Learn Express Routers - Refactoring Expressions Routes

This community-built FAQ covers the “Refactoring Expressions Routes” exercise from the lesson “Learn Express Routers”.

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FAQs on the exercise Refactoring Expressions Routes

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I’m frustrated beyond belief… this is my code:
const express = require(‘express’);

const { getElementById, getIndexById, updateElement,

seedElements, createElement } = require(’./utils’);

let animals = ;

seedElements(animals, ‘animals’);

animalsRouter = express.Router();

// Get all animals

animalsRouter.get(’/’, (req, res, next) => {



// Get a single animal

animalsRouter.get(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animal = getElementById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animal) {


} else {




// Create an animal

animalsRouter.post(’/’, (req, res, next) => {

const receivedAnimal = createElement(‘animals’, req.query);

if (receivedAnimal) {



} else {




// Update an animal

animalsRouter.put(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animalIndex = getIndexById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animalIndex !== -1) {

updateElement(req.params.id, req.query, animals);


} else {




// Delete a single animal

animalsRouter.delete(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animalIndex = getIndexById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animalIndex !== -1) {

animals.splice(animalIndex, 1);


} else {




module.exports = animalsRouter;

it gives me an error, I compare my code to the expressions.js file, looks right, click the solution button, compare the code to the solution exactly the same from what i can tell, reset the exercise and paste my code back in, I get a DIFFERENT error, and I did not change my code from the last. The solution :
const express = require(‘express’);

const { getElementById, getIndexById, updateElement,

seedElements, createElement } = require(’./utils’);

let animals = ;

seedElements(animals, ‘animals’);

animalsRouter = express.Router();

// Get all animals

animalsRouter.get(’/’, (req, res, next) => {



// Get a single animal

animalsRouter.get(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animal = getElementById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animal) {


} else {




// Create an animal

animalsRouter.post(’/’, (req, res, next) => {

const receivedAnimal = createElement(‘animals’, req.query);

if (receivedAnimal) {



} else {




// Update an animal

animalsRouter.put(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animalIndex = getIndexById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animalIndex !== -1) {

updateElement(req.params.id, req.query, animals);


} else {




// Delete a single animal

animalsRouter.delete(’/:id’, (req, res, next) => {

const animalIndex = getIndexById(req.params.id, animals);

if (animalIndex !== -1) {

animals.splice(animalIndex, 1);


} else {




module.exports = animalsRouter;

Did I find a bug or am I missing something here?

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Had similar issue… pretty sure I did this right, but couldn’t move on without using default solution. Very frustrating. Oh well, just accept and move on,

Oh look, another Codecademy lesson that is obtuse, poorly (or not at all) explained, and obfuscates would should be a fairly straightforward task with pointless abstraction. It’s been almost three years, judging from the first comment, of this being essentially useless.

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